porta della misericordia

Elenco delle Porte della Misericordia nel Mondo

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In queste pagine sono fornite le informazioni riguardo all'ubicazione delle Porte della Misericordia nelle singole diocesi del mondo. Si può cercare la Diocesi d’interesse scegliendo un segnaposto sulla mappa, oppure visualizzando la lista delle Diocesi di ogni Paese.

Nota bene: i contenuti di queste pagine sono inseriti dai Responsabili della Comunicazione nominati dall'ordinario delle singole Chiese Locali.


13 dicembre 2015 - 13 novembre 2016 (Salva sul calendario)


The present church was officially inaugurated on the eve of the Assumption, 14 August 1711. It was dedicated by Bishop Giacomo Cañaves in a twenty-four-hour-long ceremony on 11 October 1716. Archpriest Cassia-Magri and his successors proceeded to enhance and embellish the church with works of...

13 dicembre 2015 - 13 novembre 2016 (Salva sul calendario)


The Mdina Cathedral was the only large church on the island of Malta for about 300 years. Built during the Norman period, the building suffered considerable damage caused by an earthquake on the 11th January 1963. Rebuilt by Maltese architect Lorenzo Gafà, it was consecrated on the 8th October...

13 dicembre 2015 - 13 novembre 2016 (Salva sul calendario)


The Shrine of the Blessed Mother of Ta' Pinu is built on a 15th century chapel dedicated to the Assumption. The 17th century altarpiece is at the centre of the story of Ta' Pinu. On Friday 22 June 1883, Karmni Grima, a local peasant, was returning home from the fields. She usually paid a visit to...