Kanjirapally Diocesan Jubilee Celebrations
13 noviembre 2016 09:30 - 13 noviembre 2016 13:30 (Save to calendar)
The closing of the year of mercy with a grand pilgrimage from 145 parishes of the diocese to 9 diocesan pilgrim centers. There will be Biblical Convention, Holy Hour and Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Qurbana and a Sneha virunnu (convivial meal). The Bishops of the diocese will greet the pilgrims. The 9 pilgrim centers of the diocese are Kanjirapally Cathedral, Kanjirapally Akkarapally, Chengalam, John Paul II Nagar, Pathanamthitta, Anakkara, Kattappana, Upputhara and Thulappally-Nilackal. This will be a great day of witness and sharing of the spirit of Mercy and Jubilee.