29th prison awareness week celebration
"I was imprisoned and you visited me"
24 octubre 2016 - 30 octubre 2016 (Save to calendar)
Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines
THEME: "Lord, Help Us to Seek and Save the Lost"
- Opening Celebration - October 24, 2016, Monday. Eucharistic Celebration ad Fellowship at the CBCP Chapel at 11am. Attendees will be the CBCP family, some Volunteers in Prison Service and NGO's and GO's involved in the prison ministry.
- Summit for Life, October 26, Wednesday, 9-12 AM or 1-4PM
- Solidarity with the last, the least, and the lost - the Prisoners at the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City on October 28, 2016 at 9AM. The activity aims to celebrate with the VISO - visitorless, indigent, sick and old prisoners at the Maximum Security Prisoners at the National Penitentiary.
- Solidarity with the Prisoners enrolld in College at Camp Sampaguita in Muntilupa City on October 28, 2016 at 2:30 PM. The activity will underline the support on the efforts of the prisoners to improve their situation through education. There will be an interaction with the prisoners and some volunteers in prison.
- Solidarity with Prisoners at the Correctional Institution for Women in Mandaluyong City on October 29, 2016 Saturday at 9:30 AM. A modest merenda follows the mass that Bishop Pedro Arigo, CBCP-ECPPC Vice Chairman will Preside.
- National Eucharistic Celebration/ Fellowship and Gawad Paglìlìngkod Award - October 30, 2016, Sunday at 10:00 AM at the Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Madaluyong. The CBCP-ECPPC will hold a mass to be presided by Bishop Leopoldo Tumulak, CBCP-ECPPC Chairman. After the mass, the commission will give recognition to outstanding individuals and groups who have served in the prison ministry for at last three years.
N.B. Each Dioceses through its Chaplains and Volunteers in Prison Service (VIPS) group is ecaouraged to localize these activities in their respective prison area.
Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines
470 General Luna St. 1002 Intramuros, Manila, Filipinas