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Jubilee Audiences

22 October 2016 (Save to calendar)

St. Peter's Square

Per favorire le richieste che perverranno dalle diocesi e dalle realtà ecclesiali, il Santo Padre concede alcune Udienze Speciali Giubilari che si svolgeranno di Sabato.




Saturday, 22 October 2016





Dear Brothers and Sisters:  Throughout this Jubilee Year, we have reflected on God’s mercy and our own responsibility, as followers of Jesus, to be “merciful like the Father”.  In this light, we now turn to the dialogue of Jesus and the Samaritan woman (cf. Jn 4:6-15).  Through dialogue, in fact, we come to know and respect others; we come to see each individual as a gift of God.  How much we need to encourage dialogue in our families, our schools and our workplaces!  For only through dialogue can we truly understand others and their needs, and work together for the good of society and the care of our common home.  Dialogue between the religions can make a real contribution to the building of a world of peace and solidarity.  God has placed a seed of goodness in each of us and he asks us to use it in the service of his creation.  Through dialogue, mutual acceptance and fraternal cooperation, may we make God’s merciful love ever more evident in our world.

Santo Padre:

Saluto i pellegrini di lingua inglese presenti all’odierna Udienza, specialmente quelli provenienti da Inghilterra, Scozia, Indonesia, Malaysia e Stati Uniti d’America.  Nell’augurarvi vivamente che il Giubileo della Misericordia sia per voi e per le vostre famiglie un tempo di grazia e di rinnovamento spirituale, invoco su voi tutti la gioia e la pace del Signore Gesù! 


I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience,  particularly those from England, Scotland, Indonesia, Malaysia and the United States of America.  With prayerful good wishes that the Jubilee of Mercy will be a moment of grace and spiritual renewal for you and your families, I invoke upon all of you joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Peter's Square

Piazza San Pietro, Città del Vaticano, Vatican City State