Participate in the Jubilee in Rome
To participate in the Major Events of the Jubilee in Rome and to pass through the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica, it is necessary to register. You can register through the page “Pilgrim Registration” on the web site
You can register as an individual pilgrim or as the leader of a group (even families or small groups of friends should register as groups, regardless of how many people they include). Every group leader can register only on group for each event, and can make only one reservation for the passage through the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica. Please note that registration for one of the events automatically includes access to the Holy Door as part of the event, at the times and in the ways that will be indicated to those registered.
Guide for registering Pilgrims
To register you must fill out a form, divided into 4 pages.
The first page is dedicated to gathering general information about the group or individual pilgrim (country of origin, language, type of group).
On the second page you will need to insert anagrafic information and contact information for the group leader (or individual pilgrim). The group leader will be the person considered responsible for the group, and also the contact person for the group. He or she will receive information about the event via email. The Organizing Secretariat may also send information through text messages near the time of the event or when the group has already arrived in Rome.
The third page is optional and permits the leader to designate a co-leader. This is recommended, especially for large groups.
The fourth page requests that you agree to the terms and conditions for registration and that you enter a security code (captcha).
Once you have finished the registration you will receive an email containing a link that will direct you to a web page where you will be asked to create a password.
Using your email address (which you will have provided in the registration phase) and the password you have chosen, you will be able to enter the reserved area, where you may modify your registration form, enroll for the Major Events of the Jubilee, and register to pass through the Holy Door in Saint Peter’s Basilica.
Registering for the Major Jubilee Events
The major events of the Jubilee are those for which the greatest number of participants is anticipated. Once you have registered your name or group you can access the reserved area where you can register for the follwing Major Event of the Jubilee:
1. Jubilee for Those Engaged in Pilgrimage Work
2. Jubilee for the Spirituality of Divine Mercy
3. Jubilee for Deacons
4. Jubilee for Priests
5. Jubilee for the Sick and Persons with Disabilities
6. Jubilee for Workers and Volunteers of Mercy
7. Jubilee for Catechists
8. Marian Jubilee
(N.B. to register for the Jubilee for Young Boys and Girls, “click here”)
To complete the registration you need to fill out the following three forms:
1. Composition of the Group
In this form you will need to indicate the number of persons in the group, and to specify type of participants (priests, deacons, lay person…); in addition you will be asked to note if there are pilgrims with particular medical needs. In this form you can also indicate if you need assistance with lodging through the Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi.
2. Travel Dates
To facilitate plans for the influx of pilgrims anticipated for the Jubilee you will be asked to indicate the means of transport that you intend to use for your arrival and departure to and from Rome.
3. Event Details
The third form, which will be activated within a few days, allows you to insert the number of participants for each activity during event for which you are registering (ex. confessions on Saturday afternoon; Mass on Sunday with the Pope, etc.).
A few days after your registration for an event, you will be able to download a PDF file with your registration code and other information regarding your group. When you arrive in Rome, you should present this document at the Pilgrim Information Center (at Via della Conciliazione, 7) to pick up the materials provided for the event. The Group Leader or someone delegated by the leader may pick up the materials for the whole group.
Ticket Requests for the Celebrations in Rome Scheduled during the Jubilee
In general, to participate in any of the liturgies presided by the Holy Father it is necessary to request tickets (which are always free) from the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household, following the directions on the Prefecture’s web site.
Registration for one of the Major Events of the Jubilee (listed above) automatically includes tickets for the liturgical celebrations that will take place during that Major Event.
Additionally, it is possible to request tickets through the official Jubilee web site ( for some liturgical celebrations that are not one of the Major Events listed above. Although not Major Events, these celebrations are important parts of the Jubilee Calendar. On these occasions there is only a liturgy or other type of gathering in the presence of the Holy Father. Specifically, these events include the following:
· Celebration of the Opening of the Holy Door in Saint Peter's - December 8, 2015
· Celebration of the Opening of the Holy Door in Saint John Lateran - December 13, 2015
· Celebration of the Opening of the Holy Door in Saint Mary Major - January 1, 2016
· Ash Wednesday - February 10, 2016
· Penitential Celebration "24 Hours for the Lord" - March 4, 2016
· Prayer Vigil "To Dry the Tears" - May 5, 2016
There are also special Saturday Jubilee Audiences on the following dates:
· January 30, 2016
· February 20, 2016
· March 12, 2016
· April 9, 2016
· April 30, 2016
· May 14, 2016
· June 18, 2016
· June 30, 2016 (Thursday)
· September 10, 2016
· October 1, 2016
· October 22, 2016
Reservations for the Pilgrimage to the Holy Door
To allow all the pilgrims to make their pilgrimage to the Holy Door of Saint Peter's in the Vatican with serenity and an atmosphere of prayer, pilgrims are asked to make a reservation for their pilgrimage.
Through the same registration procedure for pilgrims described above it is also possible to reserve a time for your pilgrimage, choosing the desired day and giving your preference for morning (7:00 – 13:00) or afternoon (13:30 – 17:00).
Before confirming the reservation, you will need to verify the availability of the date you would like. On certain days, the Pilgrimage through the Holy Door will be available only to those participating in other scheduled events, namely the General Audiences on Wednesdays, the Jubilee Audiences on Saturdays (one per month), the Major Jubilee events, and other celebrations with the Holy Father.
Based on the requests received and the availability of the different time slots, the Organizing Secretariat for the Jubilee will send you - through email only- a reply with the best time for you to make your pilgrimage, and a voucher to print and bring to the entrance of the protected pathway leading to the Holy Door in Saint Peter's. The entrance of the pathway will be in the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo.