St Francis de Sales Cathedral
Archdiocese of Cape Coast
Cape Coast
stfrancisdesalescathedralcc@gmail.com +233332132185
St Francis de Sales Cathedral, being the first Catholic Cathedral in Ghana, is the Metropolitan See for the Ecclesiastical Province of Cape Coast in Ghana. The church was completed in 1928. It has an average population of thousand-five hundred. It also has nine Outstations.
Open Hours
6:00 to 20:00
Times of Liturgical Celebrations
Lauds at 6:15; Holy Mass at 6:30/18:00; Eucharistic Adoration at 18:30
Hours for Confession
Saturdays from 17:00 to 18:30
Cape Coast
St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, P.O.Box 372, Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa., Cape Coast, Ghana