Cathedral St.Joseph's Church
Archdiocese of Raipur
joseph.chirapuram@gmail.com +917712425771
This church building was constructed in the year 1984 and blessed.Previously there was a small church of the British times
Open Hours
Week days 5.30.a.m to 7.30.a.m and 5.00.p.m to 7.30.p.m
Sundays 5.30.a.m to 11.30.a.m and 4.00.p.m to 8.00.p.m
Times of Liturgical Celebrations
Weekdays Holy Mass at 6.30.a.m on Tuesdays evening Novena to St.Antony and Mass at 5.30.p.m
Sundays Mass at 6.30.a.m,8.30.a.m 4.30.p.m.and 5.30.p.m.On First Fridays Adoration and Mass at 5.30.p.m
Hours for Confession
Any time of the day if people ask for otherwise during the liturgical functions and before it
Other Information
The main door of the church is open during the day with a grill and so peole can come and visit and pray