Saint Barnabas' Cathedral
Diocese of Nottingham
office@stbarnabascathedral.org.uk +4401159539839
Saint Barnabas' Cathedral was consecrated in 1844, six years before the establishment of the Diocese of Nottingham, and is one of the first Catholic churches to be built in the East Midlands since the Reformation. It was designed by Augustus Welby Pugin, chiefly remembered for his work in the Houses of Parliament, and houses the tomb of the Venerable Mary Potter, foundress of the Little Company of Mary.
Open Hours
Each day from 7.30 am until 7.30 pm.
Times of Liturgical Celebrations
Sunday: 6.30 pm (Vigil), 8.00 am, 10.00 am, 11.15 am (Choral) & 6.00 pm
Monday to Friday: 7.30 am, 1.00 pm & 6.15 pm
Saturday: 10.00 am
Hours for Confession
Sunday: 5.00 - 5.45 pm
Monday - Friday: 12.00 - 12.50 pm
Saturday: 10.30 am - 12.00 pm & 5.30 - 6.15 pm