Cathedral St Stephen Catholic Church
Cape Coast Archdiocese
slyessilfie@yahoo.com +233208993555
St Stephen Church has long been a Main Church, serving smaller churches at the Northern part of the Archdiocese. Dioceses of Obuasi and Sefwi Yawso in years past were Outstations of this Church which dates as far back as 1918. It is among the stations with larger number of Christ's faithful.
Open Hours
Weekdays 06:00-20:00
Weekends 06:00-22:00
Times of Liturgical Celebrations
Weekdays 06:00, Monday to Saturday . Sundays 06:00,08:00,09:30, Eucharistic adoration everyday, 24-hour exposition for individual adoration and public adoration on Wednesdays, also every Sunday 19:00-21:00
Hours for Confession
Thursdays 17:00-21:00 and any other day as desired