Cathedral of St Michael and St John
Diocese of Bathurst, NSW
BATHURST +610263313066
Since its beginnings as a parish church in 1861, the Cathedral of St Michael and St John has been central to the religious life of the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst, which spans a wide area of NSW.
Renowned architect Edward Gell, who oversaw construction of the Cathedral, is believed to have crafted many of the distinctive sandstone carvings decorating the exterior of the building.
Consecrated in 1865, the Cathedral’s heritage value was recognised in June 2012 with its listing on the NSW Heritage Register.
Open Hours
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9.00am - 6.30pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.00am - 12 noon
Times of Liturgical Celebrations
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 5.45pm
Saturday: 5.00pm (6.00pm Oct-March)
Sunday: 10.00am
Hours for Confession
Saturday: 11.00am
Other Information
Bishop Michael McKenna also opened a Door of Mercy at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Carcoar, recognising our Shalom Diocesan House of Prayer as a place of pilgrimage.